Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
I'm going to be giving entrepreneurs and small business owners the top eight tips I have when it comes to social media .
when it comes to marketing when it comes to small business owners and entrepreneurs I find that there are three main challenges when it comes to their social media first is time next is resources and the last is money .
now the tips I'm giving you today doesn't necessarily mean that you'd have to use a lot of money and that you don't need necessarily a lot of resources but what you do need is a little bit of time,
for a lot of small business owners and entrepreneurs especially just starting out we do have to wear multiple hats so these tips are for you which brings me to my first point which is:
1- creating smart and measurable goals :
why is it so important and you probably have heard this before but how many times we have business goals and sales goals but not necessarily social media marketing goals.
this is super important because if you don't align your social media marketing goals with your business goals you'll definitely feel that disconnect and I'm sure probably a lot of you have felt that before where you feel like you have to show up on social media you don't know exactly what you have to post that you know you have to do it and it just feels like a chore but if you know that there's a smart and measurable goal that you're trying to get it makes you feel empowered to actually execute your social media and know with intentionality what content to put out.
the second piece of advice is :
2- create a social media toolkit :
a social media toolkit allows you to create different templates for your social media so that way is just a plug-and-play when you're actually going out to execute .
on canva which is the greatest tool that I think would be very useful for all of you that is very user friendly would be to create different Pinterest covers, to create ID, TV covers, templates for YouTube so that my money goes down to execute you have it all ready to go and it's consistent and all you gotta do is put it in the photos and execute at the end of the day.
3- create searchable content:
so how to execute my marketing strategy, how to be profitable in 2020, how to become a better entrepreneur, there are so many different pieces of searchable content that is very very important .
how to do this?, is that you can go to and put in your product or service here you actually get to see what are people searching for when it comes to your business your job on social media is to answer those questions of your potential customer who are ready to make this sale.
they may be still thinking about it but you are creating trust with your customer by answering these frequently asked questions probably everything to solve will there's so much now that I'm honest or public become there's so many questions I need to answer and working with entrepreneurs and business owners I find that we are visionaries we have so many ideas we want to execute and not enough time
that is why I would recommend the next piece would be :
4- a mindmap of your ideas:
I would definitely recommend using mindmaster is a great tool online that you can use to do the mind map but basically here you're trying to make sure that you actually take all the ideas of your head as a small business owner and put that in on paper.
it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to execute all these ideas right now what I mean by this is that you have to put this on a piece of paper so you can be very intentional with your content if you heard me talk before I talked about the 80/20 rule or basically 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts and when you're going through the mind map you notice that there are tons of things in there you can probably cut out that aren't income-producing so being very intentional with your content and just laying it all out in a mind map will allow you to really focus and hone in on what you're good at and hone in on what actually brings in income.
the fifth piece of advice I always say to everybody is that social media is meant to be social so:
5- make time for engagement :
what I mean is that every single day to spend 15 minutes commenting on all of your different social media platforms and creating a sense of engagement online we usually recommend when you work with us the 10 10 5 rule where you do 10 likes 10 comments either 5 direct messages or 5 shares if you do that consistently every single day for 15 minutes on all your platforms I guarantee you'll create an actual community online that will actually turn into sales at the end of the day .
now talking about sales a little bit you're probably thinking well what kind of content should I be putting out I know I have to be answering these questions but how should I do that and that is where my six piece of advice comes in.
6- focus on video content :
as humans were very used to the idea of movement we liked the idea of human interaction so video content will allow you to stand out and I think it's very underutilized right now when it comes to small business owners and entrepreneurs you get to position yourself as a market leader in your industry and a market expert just by the way that you present yourself and I find that in itself will allow you to turn followers into leaves just by the fact that you were able to present yourself so that people know like and trust you.
now you're probably hearing all this thinking well now I have so much to do.. I have to create a social media toolkit.. I have to research what my customer is looking for... I have to create goals...
but when it comes to small business owners and entrepreneurs I know that time is very very valuable and that is why systems and processes are very important which leads me to my seventh tip.
7- use systems and tools to streamline the process:
really focus on what system and tools you are going to use to execute your ideas .
if that means that you have to take a look out there for online platforms to schedule in your social media absolutely definitely do that if that means that you have to go to and make sure that you actually put your video content on there so they have captions and it automatically does it for you but you have to spend $20.00 a month worth it to me.
last piece of advice I think is very daunting to entrepreneurs is that we tend to focus in on things that we really really are comfortable with and that is why my last piece of advice is:
8- Venture into different social media platforms:
try to go out there and venture into new platforms,
Facebook and Instagram I find are the very popular type platforms that most businesses are on and if you're not on there definitely get a Facebook page and an Instagram page for your business but a lot of times we do have those things as busy entrepreneurs but we don't have other things such as LinkedIn .
for example: Pinterest and tik-tok these are other platforms that can really help bring in traffic to your website so that way you can convert customers I find that because it's new and because it's just out there and not comfortable us as business partners aren't going to put the effort in to learn a new platform but there is definitely an advantage of being an early adopter in certain platforms but there's also an advantage of going into a space that isn't as competitive when it comes to your social media.
remember, it's about income producing activities not necessarily being about on all different platforms you can't handle it so it's definitely about reassessing which ones you want to be on but definitely think outside the box because I guarantee that creativity will allow you to stand out from your competition