Blogger Seo : Beginners Guide To Rank On Google

Blogger Seo Tips For Beginners :

in this article I want to share a few tips on how you can boost your SEO on your website by blogging and show the best seo tips and hacks for beginners so let's go ahead and jump right in.

Blogger Seo Tips and hacks For Beginners to rank on google

 so my first tip when it comes to SEO is:

1- Blog Often:

 so it is really important that you're blogging pretty consistently on a consistent schedule if you can two to three times a week a week seems to be the sweet spot for me but even if you can only blog like once a week that's gonna be really great.

 so the awesome thing about blogs is that Google sees that as new content whereas a website is pretty much just static content so Google is going to see your website as more fresh more up-to-date when you're blogging consistently and posting new content however when you're posting this content you want to make sure that it's relevant but it's really valuable and especially that it's valuable to your ideal client and whatever your business is.

- make sure you have that in the back of your mind as you're creating and publishing these blog posts so you want to think of the idea as if someone comes onto your blog post you want the content to be so valuable that they keep reading and that they stay on your blog post because if you're having a lot of bouncing 

which is when someone clicks on your blog post and they click off immediately

 because it's like not what they were expecting it's not really like valuable to them then that's gonna not help your SEO at all.

 so it's really important that the content is actually valuable and really I'm helpful to whoever would be reading that content so

- for example:

 I am a wedding photographer so if I wrote a blog post on how to choose your wedding photographer or something really similar and someone clicked on that blog post and it was just talking all about me and why I'm the best,
         that's not really helping them with how to actually choose a running photographer because I'm not actually the best wedding photographer for every single bride every bride is looking for something different and want to know some things that would be really helpful for her. 
         and making sure that it's actually helpful content to a bride clicking on  that blog post because she will stay and she'll read it longer so that's  what I mean  when I talk about it needs to be valuable content .

- so just think about your business and your ideal client and who they are and when they click onto that blog post what's gonna be really valuable for them .

2- Use Keywords :

 all right so when you are blogging it is important to use keywords and phrases that you want to rank for in your post but you don't want to do this in a spammy way,  you don't want to just keyword stuff which is just adding the same keyword over and over and every different place in your blog because Google's gonna see that as spamm.
        because if you just have for example say you're a wedding venue in Ohio and you want to rank for when someone types in wedding venues in Ohio you want to rank for that search it's really important that you don't just title your blog post wedding venue in Ohio and then the URL is wedding venue in Ohio and then the title of each picture in the blog is wedding venue in Ohio because that's going to be seems super spammy like you're just trying to rank for that keyword and Google kind of is smart if they're gonna kind of know that something is going on.

 so it's really important that you don't just keyword stuff and add a bunch of keywords 

- you do want to put development keywords and you want to mix it up so if you are trying to wing for like a wedding venue in Ohio you could title your post " popular wedding venues in Ohio" and then you could title one a wedding venue in Columbus Ohio or something similar and really with titles and especially alt text.
 alt text is a component of each image in your posts and so each image will have a title and it will have alt text 
so the title can be a little bit more broad you can say something like wedding venues in Ohio Columbus, wedding venues stuff,  like that different variations of that so it's not the same thing over and over.
         however, with alt text is especially important this is more of a descriptor of whatever the photo is so you don't really want a keyword stuff here so basically let's say that it's a wedding venue photo in this post of a green house wedding venue, so what you want to put for the alt text you don't really want it to have anything to do with Ohio wedding venue you want it to be a descriptor of the photo because when Google crawls your website which we'll talk about at the end when it does that it's using the alt text to figure out what this photo even is.

3- Use The Description :

 the automatic description that Google will pull is like the first few sentences of the blog post which might not be the most ideal for the blog post that you want to make it rank for the terms you want to rank the blog post for .

          so instead of instead of having the first few lines of the blog to be the description you can actually change the description just to describe more what the blog post is about and some terms people might be searching for.
 if you notice too when you search for something whatever keywords that you type in the search bar it kind of bolds those in the description so making sure you have those terms you want to search for be bold because if there's more bold in the description I know I'm more likely to go click on that search result if I know like it probably has a lot of what I'm talking about or what I'm wanting to find from the search result.

4- Use Keywords In The Body of The Post:

one more thing I want to mention is just making sure you mentioned some of your keywords in the paragraph or like the body of your text of your blog post .

      so just mention that a few times 

5- Use The URL OF The Blog Post:

 one more thing that you can do is changing the URL of your blog post.

so instead of it just being that Samantha and Joseph wedding idle you can actually change the blogpost and have some of your keywords in it too and that's just gonna help you even more 

6- Use Google Search Console :

 the last thing that I want to talk about is Google fetch.

 so you want to sign up for this for your website so you can add it to your website but basically this is gonna help you to have Google crawl your site.

 basically it's just when you go in and you fetch as Google it's going to have Google to look at your website again, it's gonna be really helpful and I recommend doing it about once a month if you can remember to because it's super helpful in just keeping your website fresh and almost like making Google remember your website on a monthly basis so definitely sign up for that if you can it is super helpful and just making sure your website is ranking really well .
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