Seo For Beginners : The Best Tips To Rank First On Google

 search engine optimization or seo is one of the most important marketing activities of optimizing your website for search engines like google, bing, and yahoo.
 essentially the better your website is optimized the higher your website will rank in search engines and this will ultimately drive more visitors to your website resulting in more leads and sales.

in this article am going to help you generate significant organic traffic to your website by guiding you through three simple seo tips to rank number one on google.

 now seo is not as hard as you may think and the fundamentals to seo can be executed by anyone so i'm going to show you as a beginner how you can simply optimize your small business website yourself for search engines like google to ultimately drive more leads and sales to your business 

the best tips on how to rank first on google and search engines

The First Tip Is To Identify And Execute Keywords and Content :

- first we need to identify keyword phrases that we want to rank for on google search .
         what you want to do is write down a list of keywords that you believe your ideal customer is searching for on google to find your website products or services, ideally you want to have between 5 to 10 to get you started .

what you want to do is take these keywords and head over to ubersuggest then add your first keyword that you believe your customers are typing in on google to find your website then click on the country you are operating in and then hit search navigate down to keyword ideas and look at the volume of searches per month for your keyword phrases.

 keywords that you have identified and the other suggestions that ubersuggest shows you then you want to note down the level of search volume for each of your keywords and identify the keywords with the highest volume search per month ,
           then head over to your website and make sure that your homepage and your other website pages have your identified keywords in your page titles and throughout your content on your website pages.

- create written content on your website that has the identified keywords you researched for and uber suggests if you have a blog then what you want to do is create consistent regular content, update your content and answer questions that your customers might have related to the keywords.

 okay so that is the first tip identify keywords and execute these keywords into your content on your website .

Tip Number Two is Building Authority With Citations And Directories:

 this is all about adding your website to local citations which will build your authority and help you rank on google search.

 to find the top citations in your country just simply head over to whitespark .

- just navigate down and select the country that is relevant to you then browse the top citations that you should sign up to based on white sparks suggestions.
           if you are a local business then google my business is going to be your most important citation for driving organic traffic leads foot traffic and more if you want to get started with google my business i will add a beginner's tutorial that will help you sign up and learn more about google my business.

- all the other websites just simply follow the instructions on how to add your website 

now it's important to note that creating consistency across all external websites directories and citations is vital so each time you sign up to these websites make sure that you follow  NAP which stands for name, address, and phone number .
       essentially all you need to do is ensure that your business name, business phone number and address is exactly the same across the web.

- check your website and make sure that your NAP name address and phone number is correct on your website and then use these exact details when you fill out and sign up to these websites consistency is key.

 so that is tip number two building authority across the internet.

 Tip Number Three is Speed and Response:

 first you can head over to GTmetrix  and enter in your website here .
this will show you the website speed as well as other performance indicators.

 essentially you want to be in the green not read and achieve a grade of A not F.

- navigate down the page to see your full website load time, ideally you want to be under three seconds the faster the better in the eyes of google and your visitors will less likely bounce out of your website due to a slow load time.

- you can also head over to google mobile friendly test to see if your website is mobile friendly this is extremely important as mobile search is becoming more prominent on mobile rather than desktop.
          so making sure your website is mobile friendly will help your website rank higher in search engines first.

- to ensure your website loads fast what you want to do is optimize the size of your images if they are too large this will slow down your website .

- if you're using wordpress reduce the number of plugins you use, these can be heavy and significantly slow down your site.

-  also do not have videos on your website unless you know how to optimize your videos .

now there are many other ways to increase your website speed like minimizing java scripts and css files, using website caching and using a content delivery network cdn,

          however these are more advanced activities and you might need support if you notice that your website is still slow and you may need to look into these other activities.

 when it comes to making your website more responsive and mobile responsive have a look on your phone and if you can see that some elements are off the screen or not centered or showing then depending on your website builder or platform you should be able to make these changes yourself.

 so that is our third and final tip which is website responsiveness and speed .
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